Friday, October 30, 2009

4 days before departure

Well, it's around 4:30 in the morning, 4 days before I leave for Antarctica. Excitement, nerviousness, curiosity, and scattered to-do lists drift through my conciousness and prevent me getting back to sleep.

At times the notion of what I'm about to do is floating off somewhere in the abstract, while at others it hits me like I'm caught inside an overhead, winter set at Ocean Beach- This is real!!

Last night I laid everything out on the floor and Libby read items off my my packing list while I loaded them into two big parent-borrowed duffel bags.

I've got a miriad of layering options, fancy boots, somewhere around 9 lbs of coffee, favorite snacks, 3 pairs of sunglasses, camera and 2 lenses, books, magazines, and a bunch of baby wipes (for cowboy showers). It all fit nicely, and both bags come in under the lower of the two airline baggage limits I've found online.

The website for the project I'll be taking part in is There'a a link at the bottom of the home page to a Google Earth file that shows where I'll be going. I'll be at the Cape Crozier colony.

Though I don't fly until Monday night, my travels begin today. Libby and I are spending the weekend in San Francisco and Marin County, seeing friends and playing outside.

My next update will likely be from New Zealand!


  1. Awesome Scott! I'm excited for you buddy. Looking forward to getting a last surf or two in this weekend.

  2. Hi Scott---I sent a comment last night, but it didn't post for some reason.
    Tonight as we were putting things back into our freshly-painted living room I looked at Christchurch and Antarctica on YOUR globe, remembering that what you wanted most for your sixth birthday was a globe "with bumps". You were going to be an adventurer like your grandpa, and wanted to learn about the world. Today I used that relief globe to remind myself how far away you really are---and you ARE an adventurer!
    Love, Mom
