Friday, January 29, 2010

Last post from Antarctica

Our plane is on its way from Christchurch, and in 45 minute or so we will get on some sort of interesting transportation device for the 40-ish minute drive out to the Pegusis Airfield. This late in the season, the sea ice runway right in front of McMurdo is mostly melted, and what isn't has had a channel cut through it by the icebreaker. So we need to drive up onto the ice shelf for our departure flight.
Yesterday we had an amazing trip on the icebreaker out to Beaufort Island. Unfortunately I don't have time to give a full account now, but it was an exciting trip: feeling the ship shudder as it plowed through ice chunks; orcas and minke whales and some probable Arnoux's Beaked Whales (Davie hasn't decided yet); getting into and out of the shore-landing boat vial a rope ladder over the side of the icebreaker; jumping through small surf to get to the beach then banding 400 Adelie chicks with Weddell Seals lounging all around.
Its hard to believe my time here is over. With no natural day-night pattern, there is no scale for the passage of time and it seems to have passed in an instant and taken ages all at once.
This is an amazing place to have lived for a while. I hope I get thorough chance to share my experiences with you all beyond just photos and words here.
For now...

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