Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Photo page #2

Here's a random assortment of photos...

"Behind bars". The fractured ice along the beach early in the season was twisted and piled into great patterns and shapes. These icecicles were dripping down from a big block that was lifted 10-20 feet up.

Here you get a sense of the colony's scale. This is the eastern half of the main part of the colony. The smaller blobs of penguins on nests are the subcolonies.

Another view of the ice maze along the beach. This was changing all the time, and some days the Adelies had quite a time getting to the colony.

Grant walking down Pat's Peak, where we would do our sea watches. The Ross Ice Shelf is in the background.

The Adelies really seemed to enjoy this "kiddie pool", formed by the fast ice buckling down below sea level. Just 2 days before this was firmly anchored to the beach and I stood right where the penguins are swimming!

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